Saturday, March 3, 2012

Getting the feet wet...

It has been a few weeks since my last post, but I have been productive!
I started taking "Acting for Film" class with Clark Middleton and got new headshots! My temp job is over next week and I will start auditioning for shows again!
The acting classes are going well though I do feel like a very small fish having not acted in about 3 years. Most of the students who are in the class have gone to William Esper's School of Acting which I found to be a very prestigious school. Some of them have agents and are very proactive with their career. Also, everyone is talented. It's good for me to have this nervous feeling because it pushes me to want to do well and to work on my craft.
We are learning to act on film which is much different than stage. Everything is laser like and smaller. I am starting to get the hang of it, but I do "ham" it up every now and then.
My headshots are good for auditions. They capture me and my personality which is all you can ask for. I will be excited to start using them for auditions.
I start auditioning in a week and a half! Ahhhh!!! I am excited and reserved. Auditions are a fear for me. I don't like to go, I don't like to wait because I end up getting overwhelmed and full of anxiety. But I have to work on it. I also just hate waiting and having my whole morning and afternoon spent in a waiting room with other anxious hopefuls vying for the same role.
So be it. I am determined to audition and learn to love it. I can't let the fact that I don't like to audition be the determining factor as to why I did not pursue acting. That would be pathetic on my part.
So wish me luck on that one!

My goals for the next week, and hold me to it:
1. Look up and plan to go to at least 2 auditions for the following week.
2. Prepare an audition piece(s) for the auditions.
3. Continue scene work.
4. Continue voice over work.
5. Continue guitar practice.
6. Maybe write a song???

Okay all, thanks for reading. Would love to have your support. Bust my chops if you gotta!
Be well.



  1. Hooray for wet feet! It's the first step towards complete emergence. You know we're all behind you; keep focusing on your goal!

  2. What's with this "maybe" write a song? Write it! Then write another one. And another one. Even if the first song or three seem lame, just keep writing. That's the only way you'll ever write a good song!

    I said I'd check up on you to see if you have any gigs while I'm in the US traveling. And this is all I found! Practice that guitar and write some songs and maybe next time. . . :)
